How Can You Go Wrong?

For those of you who are just stumped when it comes to buying for someone... or for those, like me, who like to buy actual gifts but have people who insist on gift cards....

Now how can you go wrong with GIFT CARD of the MONTH???? Yes, there is a site which will let you choose from a plethora of stores and in the denomination that fits your budget. I mean, there's a BIG range of choices.Starts by sending a certificate to the recipient of what's to come and will send monthly cards with your name on them and even an uplifting quote. Can do once a month, every other or every third. CLICK HERE!!!

thx to Shazam for use of the picture


Laurie said…
This is a fabulous idea! I will be using it myself. If I don't use it for Christmas, I'll use it for another occasion. Thanks!
Sydney said…
I think it's a great idea too Laurie... and yep, these aren't limited to holiday occasions. So glad that you found something here, and the gloves for your daughter!