Fun Gifts for Everyone 2019

There are so many unusual things out there to give - here is a collection of a chosen few.

With CBD shops everywhere, and everyone I know using this plant to cure every known ill, it's no surprise that I stumbled across this! Made from coconut oil, safflower oil, hemp oil, mineral coloring, hemp rope, sustainable palm, Eucalyptus essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, peppermint leaf, their bestseller is the green Northern Lights, for men and women.

Sure to bring some laughs while being useful and practical.  Buy in different colors/scents for $9.99 per 5" x 4" x 1" or buy bundles as priced on the DopeonaRopeSoap site.

Brighten up a bad weather day with this Umbrella with your fave pup! Choose from a DOZEN breeds    $28  from Uncommon Goods!
Gives new Meaning to the old ad 'Calgon take me away...'  the SipCaddy boasts being able to hold anything from a beer can to a coffee cup to a stemmed wine glass. Showering with your beer is not something I'd like to promote, but the idea makes me laugh. However I DO get the coffee part, so who am I to judge? What's cool is the company uses no plastic packaging, just 100% recyclable cardstock. And the holder itself is recyclable, thought sturdy, dishwasher safe ABS plastic.  on Amazon for $14

There are many CBD oils out there to take the edge off mild anxiety, to gain more restful sleep, and for general health. Seems it's recommended for just about everything these days. One I do know works for several people is KB Hemp Oil  by KB Pure Essentials. The link answers all your questions so give a look. You can get it in lesser and greater strength. $59 for 1 fl oz. Give your email and you'll get weekly discounts all through the year. 

PUPSOCKS makes socks with the realistic face of your fave pet - something that is guaranteed to get the BIG SMILE when opened! And will make that smile last with every wearing! Pretty great for the price, ON SALE as of publication for $24.95 (regularly $34.95). And of COURSE they will do your cat... and blankets. Deals for 2 or more as well. Just send them the pic you want on the socks pick from several wild colors and how many!   TIP: there's a 15% off pop up if you leave the site, so take advantage of that before you buy! 

Circuit board tee shirt, for the computer geek on your list ScatterbrainTees on Etsy for $22.75While silicon valley types go more for hoodies, you can find circuit board silk ties for $42 at ScatterbrainTies.

You've likely seen this cover (it's a #1 NY Times best seller) but have you ever looked through it? This is actually a great book, especially for the adventurer -- but even someone who doesn't leave their armchair can benefit from the rich descriptions and photos. Get it for $22 in paperback at Barnes and Noble. There is one solely for the US and Canada, and even a companion travel journal for $11, which would make a nice gift. 

Needs no explanation: Pecker Pasta ON SALE at for $6 for a 15 oz box.  And yes, there are Gummy Boobs as well, $7 for 10 oz. 

Ye Olde Color Drip candle. Put it in a bottle and watch the multi colored drips build up. Set of 8 candles for $15 on Amazon. 

Need to motivate your child to get in the tub or shower? Have a pal who works so hard for the almighty buck? Got a grad who can apply this to their college loans? A fun gift that is also useful, this money soap is handmade in the shape of a wad of bills. Pick a scent from a list of 8 and decide if you want bills from $1 to $20 inside!  From SoapbyNadia 


PDX Granny said…
I'll take a dozen or two of the last one!