Here is a great little, all round, give to almost anyone gift that you should be able to run out to your local Bed Bath and Beyond to find. It was in the Bridal Registry area in mine, near the finer china,
The Spode Silent Night Christmas Tree Globe. It's only $24.00... less if you have one of those 20% off coupons that littler the Sunday papers and your mailbox (you can sign up your e-mail and get a one time 20% off... they even gave me mine in the store at point of purchase since I said I signed up at home and didn't get one -- which was true).
For kids or adults -- This is a high quality globe, pretty snow swirls for quite awhile once you tilt it, and there is a wind up music box crank that plays a very nice Silent Night. CLICK HERE to find. And my BB&B, I also bought a really great modern santa with a long list inside a snow globe by Spode but I can't find a picture of it.
These last ones by Fitz and Floyd are quite nice, with more traditional figurines, so there is something for every taste. $49. CLICK HERE
There are other local places that should have snow globes, like Macy's (You want to call or check first). Neiman Marcus always has them, but they are in the $150 range....
Keep Scrolling Down for gift ideas going back to October!
Thanks to BB&B website for these pics